Author Topic: Torpedo Bombing Help  (Read 351 times)

Offline Dr Lecter

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Torpedo Bombing Help
« on: November 24, 2002, 07:52:34 PM »
I've tried torpedoing ships using a JU88 with no success, but with great fun!

Q: What are the best evasive manoeuvres to avoid enemy fire while on a torpedo run? (can guns be neutralized beforehand?)

Q: What speed/height parameters should I observe when bombing?

Q: If I have to man my guns, can I turn off the planes automatic defensive circling?

Thanks as always to the gurus.....

Offline Innominate

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Re: Torpedo Bombing Help
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2002, 09:06:06 PM »
Originally posted by Dr Lecter
I've tried torpedoing ships using a JU88 with no success, but with great fun!

Q: What are the best evasive manoeuvres to avoid enemy fire while on a torpedo run? (can guns be neutralized beforehand?)

Q: What speed/height parameters should I observe when bombing?

Q: If I have to man my guns, can I turn off the planes automatic defensive circling?

Thanks as always to the gurus.....

1. Get on close enough that it's not an issue.  The key to avoiding any AAA though is to never have a predictable flight path.  (The AAA takes accelleration, and turns into account, so you need to be constantly changing direction, and changing the speed you're changing direction at)

2. under 200mph, under 200feet for everything but the TBM.  Wiith a tbm, you can go up to 300mph.

3. There is no automatic defensive circle, from a gun position your plane flies straight and level, with your rudder controlling the planes turn.  If your plane is going into a turn on it's own, you need to fix your rudder axis.

The only reliable way to attack a fleet with torpedos is from directly in front of them.  It works well for killing undefended CV's quickly, but is worthless for killing an active carrier.

Offline Ghosth

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Torpedo Bombing Help
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2002, 10:19:18 PM »
I think hes talking about the drones offline?

Get low, get lower, get close, lead LOTS!
Hosting a H2H session is really the best way you can practise this.

Go into setup/arena settings  scroll down to
"Protect objects" click change, change setting to off.

Now launch from CV, gain speed, alt, turn & attack ship you launched from. First the ack won't kill you, lets you see which way your missing. Second reups are fast & easy. Kill the CV? Jump to a diff country & keep practising.

If you don't want company set # of people to 1.

Good luck

Offline Betown

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Torpedo Bombing Help
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2002, 05:42:34 AM »
My advice would be to attack from dead ahead. Even when your attacking an operational CV, even if you attack from a distance then you will have a much larger chance of hitting something. Also if you are flying the JU88, then use the formation option. It gives the CV more to shoot at and you a 3 shooter instead of a single shot :p

That is the best way to hit something but if you wana do some serious damage you need a formation to do a side attack on the ship, this way you are going to get 3 torpedos to hit the ship and you are going to really do some damage.

As Ghosth said, lots of lead and a whole lot of practice. After you have done it a few dozen times then you will be able to do it blindfolded while playing poker:D

Last piece of advice, get low, and when you think you are low enough... Go lower.

LOL, oh yeah, last one i promise. When you drop, don't try to overfly the CV Group, do a shar 180 and punch the throttle.


Offline Dr Lecter

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Torpedo Bombing Help
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2002, 07:13:22 AM »
Grasshopper listens and returns to his aerial meditations.....

But.....can i blow up my own forces?  If I recall correctly, I can blast away at my own stuff and to no effect.  I'll try arena settings
« Last Edit: November 25, 2002, 07:17:19 AM by Dr Lecter »

Offline Imp

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Torpedo Bombing Help
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2002, 09:16:56 AM »
Protect objet is on by default you need to remove it to be able to damage friendly objects. They wont fire at you but you can use it to line up.

Offline Newman

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Torp Drops
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2002, 11:38:25 PM »
Actually, I've had good drops in a TMB at 330 IAS.. TEN feet. The lower you are, the faster your plane can be, or so it seems. HO is the best attack vector because:

1) the closure rate is faster and 2) some of the defensive guns won't be able to target you.

If ya go to the side, aim at the bow of the cruiser in front of the CV. Drop when the lower deck detail can be seen on the CV. Pray the ack doesn't get you, or the CV changes direction.

My .02 :)

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Offline FTJR

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Torpedo Bombing Help
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2002, 04:04:23 AM »
Try This

90 degree attack in a formation of Ju88's.

Set your salvo to 1.

There is a vertical rail to the right of the pilots position.

Place that rail against the nose of the Cruiser.

When the ack starts firing at you, drop the first salvo

Then kick the rudder, for spread, and drop second salvo.

Get the hell out of dodge, as our american cousins say.

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Offline Dr Lecter

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Torpedo Bombing Help
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2002, 05:52:22 AM »
I'm on it Imp, Newman, & FTJR - thanks.  Appreciate the advice from the dozens of runs practiced by you all.

One thing I like about AH is there are always people out there who are 'into' the same missions as you.  I suppose bombing just does it for me   :)

Offline Jose Gallegos

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JU88 torpedo attack
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2002, 08:50:45 PM »
Unzip file to HTC\AcesHigh\films

play film, press F5, and hold down the 0 and 1 key on the number pad at the same time to view from overhead and observe the angle of attack